Successful first year of the Netherlands Inclusiveness Monitor

On December 3rd, the Netherlands Inclusiveness Monitor (NIM), held its annual event in the Academy Building at Utrecht University. Led by Naomi Ellemers, Wiebren Jansen, and myself, the NIM bridges science and practice with the aim to contribute to inclusive workplaces. The event marked the end of the first successful year of the NIM and was very well received by all involved. We presented the recurring patterns in the diversity policy and employee experiences of the participating organizations, connected these findings to the newest scientific insights, and presented the benchmark.

The results so far show that organizations undertake many initiatives to facilitate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. But certain issues remain underexposed. There is, for example, relatively little attention for measuring policy effectiveness and for the exit domain of Human Resources, while the scientific literature suggests that good diversity management should be systematic and holistic (i.e., cover all HR domains). With the NIM we offer organizations the tools to focus less on best practices and more on best methods.

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