In collaboration with Bi+ Nederland, my research team at Leiden University and I conducted an exploration shedding light on the experiences of bi+ individuals in the workplace, a group often overlooked within the LGBTQI+ community. Despite comprising the largest segment under the LGBTQI+ umbrella, bi+ individuals face significant challenges at work, with limited understanding of their experiences and effective inclusion strategies.
Drawing on a literature study and interviews with bi+ individuals and experts, the exploration reveals the complexities that bi+ individuals encounter in being open about their orientation, often due to fear of backlash, lack of support, or misconceptions. Micro-aggressions, stemming from a monosexual norm prevalent in many workplaces, compound these challenges, leading to feelings of invisibility and discomfort. Moreover, heteroprofessionalism further marginalizes bi+ individuals, rendering their identities less valued or even dismissed in professional settings. To foster inclusivity, organizations should prioritize acknowledging, promoting visibility, and ensuring representation of bi+ individuals in the workplace, akin to existing efforts for gay and lesbian employees (although these may also be further improved).
Curious about our research insights? Read the exploration here (in Dutch)
Ready to take action in your organization? Use our helpful guide for employers here (in Dutch)
English translations
of our conclusions and recommendations will follow soon, so stay tuned!
Much thanks to our interviewees and sounding board members for providing the invaluable input, to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for the support, and to my partners at Bi+ Nederland and Leiden University, Iris Buizer, Daphne Hermsen, Jantine van Lisdonk, and Barbara Oud, for the smooth collaboration.