Launching of Academia@WorkplacePride and webinar

***Edited, the webinar can be viewed here***

Join us on August 24th for the launch of Academia@WorkplacePride, a collaboration between the Workplace Pride Foundation and the various educational/research institutes among its member organizations, which deals with the topic of LGBTI inclusion for faculty, staff and students.

The program and this launching webinar will address the many issues specific to academia such as: 


  • Are universities sufficiently clear and open regarding LGBTI inclusion for students, staff and faculty?

  • How do administrators include LGBTI topics in their policies and planning and how will they address creating progress when needed?

  • Is faculty sufficiently briefed on what LGBTI discrimination actually looks like and on how to combat it? 

  • Do LGBTI students from locations where homosexuality is criminalised or not culturally accepted feel safe in our institutions? How about exchange students from ‘safe’ countries to high risk countries?

  • Does introducing Diversity and Inclusion policies in an institution conflict with researchers’ freedom of thought?

  • How do LGBTI policies affect the curriculum taught at universities? How to address “Queering the Curriculum”?

Event details:

Event:             Academia@WorkplacePride Launching and Webinar
Date/Time:    Monday, August 24, 2020: 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
Moderator:    Dr. Michiel Kolman – Co-Chair Workplace Pride

Guest Speakers: 

  • Professor Annettje Ottow – Vice President Utrecht University

  • Lyle Muns –  Chair LSVb

  • Professor Jojanneke van der Toorn – Workplace Pride Chair for LGBTI Workplace Inclusion, Leiden University

Audience:      Workplace Pride Members, stakeholders, and friends

LinkWorkplace Pride Live Webinar  
Select Webinar: Academia@WorkplacePride
