How can organisations effectively design their D&I policies? This question was the focus of the three-year research project "Looking at D&I policy through a different lens” that we worked on with Melissa Vink, Wiebren Jansen, Naomi Ellemers, and Lina Senen.
Creating an inclusive organization proves to be a challenge. Research has shown that existing interventions aimed at raising awareness or countering biases (such as anti-bias training) are not always effective. The research project therefore worked from a different perspective, focusing on:
What blind spots are present in diversity policies
How this affects job seekers, employees and organizations as a whole
How these patterns can be broken
In this blog, Melissa Vink elaborates on the main results. You can also download the final report here.
With thanks to Instituut Gak and Judith van der Veer for their support!