We are excited to announce that our project “The Power of One” has been granted the Unusual Collaborations (CUCo) grant for the second time in a row, this time for the period 2022 - 2023. Together with Daniel Lakens (TU/e), Marianne Boes (UMC Utrecht), Martine Veldhuizen (UU), Cristiana Santos Teixeira (UU), Özge Bilgili (UU), Mathias Funk (TU/e), and Merel van Goch (UU), we aim to understand why certain groups of people remain unseen and unheard in research and outreach efforts. As such, we hope to find ways to collect data on people currently not included in abstract categories, datasets, or algorithms and we will thus improve understanding of the mismatch between the studied sample and the underlying population, and formulate suggestions to make data collection efforts more inclusive.
For the CUCo Annual Report click here.